Thousands Raised in Benefit Concert

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We want to extend our deepest gratitude to all of you who participated in, attended, donated to, and prayed for our September 23rd benefit concert.  In just one special and anointed evening, we all raised $4058.96 for the Houston Relief Fund of the Southwestern District of The Alliance.

In a letter to Pastor William Baradi and ANAC, District Superintendent Mark Searing said that the money helped make damaged homes “livable again and even in a better condition than it was previously impacted….Thank you so much!  May God bless you and the whole congregation richly!”

Please continue to pray for all victims in the Houston area as well as those in Florida and Puerto Rico.  We have an upcoming event (see below) that will give you another opportunity to donate for all areas recently affected by the hurricanes.

Come Visit Us on Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching.  Join us in our Fellowship Hall on Thursday, November 23rd, at 12 noon for our annual Thanksgiving celebration.  It’s Pot Bless, so please bring a covered dish, side dish, dessert, drinks, water, ice, utensils, etc. for a fun time.  We’ll have some special performances as well.

And we will set up a collection box for any donations for hurricane victims, many of whom will have a very different holiday season this year.  So mark your calendars to be with us on Thanksgiving Day!